26 Feb, 2019

With limited Parliamentary sitting days until the May Federal election, there is uncertainty about the status of a range of tax measures.

In this episode of Tax Yak, Robyn yaks with fellow TaxBanter trainer, Nicole Rowan, about which tax measures are still before Parliament, which are still announcements, and what we can expect leading up the election.

Shortly after the release of this episode of Tax Yak, we published a TaxBanter Blog that summarises those Bills which have passed and those which remain before Parliament. This can be accessed from our Banter Blog page.

Host: Robyn Jacobson

Guest: Nicole Rowan

Recorded: 25 February 2019

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Tax Yak – Episode 14: Parliamentary status of bills pre-Budget

26 Feb, 2019

With limited Parliamentary sitting days until the May Federal election, there is uncertainty about the status of a range of tax measures.

In this episode of Tax Yak, Robyn yaks with fellow TaxBanter trainer, Nicole Rowan, about which tax measures are still before Parliament, which are still announcements, and what we can expect leading up the election.

Shortly after the release of this episode of Tax Yak, we published a TaxBanter Blog that summarises those Bills which have passed and those which remain before Parliament. This can be accessed from our Banter Blog page.

Host: Robyn Jacobson

Guest: Nicole Rowan

Recorded: 25 February 2019