The Superannuation Legislative Landscape

12 Sep, 2018


The Government’s Fair and Sustainable Superannuation Reforms have now been in place for over a year and the measures announced in this year’s Federal Budget continue to make changes to the superannuation environment.

It is with some challenge that we attempt to keep pace with the current status of these reforms and the administration of our superannuation system.

What is the status of legislative changes; have they progressed beyond the announcement; have we seen an Exposure Draft yet; have Bills been introduced; is it law yet? Trying to keep abreast of the progress of Government reforms is proving to be a time-consuming challenge. As an example, what about the Objective of Superannuation legislation, which has been before the Senate since November 2016 — where are we at in late 2018? What is happening to this law change?

Superannuation Update webinar

TaxBanter’s next Superannuation Update Webinar on 19 September 2018 run by our superannuation expert and director, Neil Jones, will assist you in understanding the status of many of these Government reforms. This month’s special topic for the Super update is “Getting Money out of Super“, which takes place on 20 September 2018. We will also discuss any significant cases including two recent decisions involving the independence of SMSF auditors, and a recent Federal Court ruling which considered the sole purpose test.

We will cover the Government’s measures to protect the low balances of members. These measures were announced as part of this year’s Federal Budget and have now progressed to a Bill before Parliament.

It is vitally important for superannuation advisers and practitioners to keep themselves up to date and we offer the opportunity to do so from the comfort of your own desk.

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