Alexandra Barras

Alex has experience in big four corporate and international tax, consulting and the legal industry. During this time she specialised in providing practical tax advice to multinational groups, private businesses and high net worth family groups over a number of different industries.

During this time, Alex developed a passion for tax education, regularly conducting tax training and education programs for staff. She has strong analytical and technical ability, and thrives on communicating complex tax issues in an ‘easy to understand’ manner.

Alex is a fellow (FTI) member of the Tax Institute of Australia, and an Australia Lawyer admitted to the Supreme Court of Victoria. She holds a Juris Doctor and a Master of Tax.

Letty Chen

Letty started her career in various business services and tax advisory roles in a number of Big 4, mid-tier and boutique public practice firms.

She then spent seven years as a senior technical specialist at a tax professional association, where she advised tax and accounting practitioners and wrote practical articles on SME and individual tax matters. She also developed her passion for and skills in tax advocacy, tax education and tax training, which she has brought with her into her role at Taxbanter in technical writing and special project work.

Letty is a Chartered Accountant and a Chartered Tax Adviser. She holds a Master of Tax and a Graduate Diploma in Legal Studies.

Helen Cosby

Helen began her career in general legal practice, before spending close to 20 years in the tax division of a ‘big four’ accounting firm. She has extensive experience in both client consulting and providing dedicated training and tax technical support to tax practitioners. Helen brings a wealth of experience in writing about tax, and a passion for tax learning and development to the Taxbanter writing team.

Vesna Iskra

Vesna has over 35 years’ experience in the tax and accounting industry working for, at various times, one of the ‘big four’ accounting firms, a second tier firm and a small accounting firm. During this time she has acquired extensive experience in tax and accounting matters relevant to both the larger corporate clients and the no less complex matters encountered by smaller companies and trusts. She also worked as a writer for Webb Martin in the mid-1990s.

She is a Chartered Accountant, a Chartered Tax Adviser and an Australian Lawyer admitted to the Supreme Court of Victoria.

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